Brand Building In A Time Of Distributed Workforces

Your clients and customers are not where you typically know them to be. They’re all over the place! They’re working from home, working remotely, or maybe they’re starting to head back to the office. In any case, they are not so easy to find these days!

For your business to succeed, you need your brand to be in front of them. You want to stay top of mind. You want to stay relevant. You want them to know you’re here for them when they need you. To do that in times like these, you have to be innovative. You have to be a little ingenious. You have to think a little out of the box.

That’s where we come in.

Since events are on hold, virtual events have become increasingly important. Virtual events offer a unique opportunity for follow up and the chance to create a tangible “leave-behind”. Branded merchandise can do just that. It creates a customized, thoughtful way to follow up. What about sending your customers a branded day planner to help them with their scheduling after the event, and including a special card that reminds them to schedule a follow up and drop it in their calendar as is convenient for them?

When people work from home, you can guess what their environment is like. In the summer, it gets hot. In the fall, it gets cool. Maybe they need to be reminded to drink more water or charge their phone? Maybe they need a desklight for proper lighting on all their video conference calls? Why not send a thoughtful, yet appropriately branded gift for them to use in their newly renovated (and probably semi-permanent) home office?

As summer kicks into full swing, maybe your customers are thinking about vacations? Maybe you should send them a personalized travel bag that includes solar powered charger, beach blanket and colorful (not branded) face mask they can keep on their person? Even if all the items are not branded, they will still recall that you cared and sent them something useful.

Part of staying in touch is the frequency, but the other part is the personalization. You can leverage our team to build custom packages with drop shipping to enable personalized notes and even one-off items. All of these can be leveraged to help you stay top of mind with your customers. Let us come with an idea for you. After all, ideas are free. Execution is important and Relationships are the value :-)